Forum > Plauderecke & Allgemeines
Hi guys
This is MS from SaudiA rabia :)
AM I welcomed here?
فساتين - انغام - سكس
ABA זאב ברנובסקי:
السلام عليكم
שלום אבא
Schalom ABA
Hi ciggersoreark!
Generally, everybody is welcomed here who is interested in a educated conversation about religion and scripture. The only problem is that this is a german forum. So the basic criteria to match is to write in german language. If that's not possible, communication would be only for the english speaking members.
best wishes,
--- Zitat von: tricky am Sa., 20. Februar 2010, 21:50 ---Hi ciggersoreark!
Generally, everybody is welcomed here who is interested in a educated conversation about religion and scripture. The only problem is that this is a german forum. So the basic criteria to match is to write in german language. If that's not possible, communication would be only for the english speaking members.
--- Ende Zitat ---
Hi ciggersoreark,
these words i endorse. Who honestly explore wants the backgrounds of the holy scripture. However, if desired, Englischforum may be established, you must me to say.
In this forum here is only german wrote.
Best Greetings
Schalom ABA,
--- Zitat von: ABA am Sa., 20. Februar 2010, 18:07 ---السلام عليكم
--- Ende Zitat ---
soll ich ein Arabisch-Forum auch installieren? ;D
Liebe Grüße
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